Academic Dishonesty Resources

Academic Dishonesty Resources

Academic Dishonesty
Process & Resources

**Please note that the Academic Dishonesty Form Letter has recently changed. You will find the updated version here: 

Academic Dishonesty Form Letter (Revised Summer 2024)
The Office of Academic Affairs has created a database to record all reported instances of academic dishonesty. The idea is to ensure that serial offenders do not escape attention.

When you detect academic dishonesty and have decided what penalty to impose, meet with the student to inform him or her of your decision. Faculty must provide the student with a completed Academic Dishonesty Form Letter.  

Send a copy of the completed form letter to the Office of Academic Affairs for recording in their database. Email letters to Please attach supporting material such as a copy of the offending paper, report, or exam paper. The Office of Academic Affairs keeps this material in case the incident is referred to the Academic Standards Committee. You should keep a copy for your own records.
The Office of Academic Affairs must receive a copy, no matter how minor the instance or the sanction. In accordance with the current Utica University catalog, repeat offenses, or particularly egregious first offenses, will be referred to the Academic Standards Committee, which may impose more serious penalties.

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